Meet Our Wonderful Friends! on Mon.

今週は2020 SMP!でお会いするグループやパフォーマーを紹介します!月曜日は...

Meet some of the groups and performers you'll see at 2020 SMP! On Monday...

秋田県大仙市を拠点に活動するSensational ZIPの皆さん。高校生から一般社会人までの幅広い年代が集まっている一般団体です。

We'd like to introduce Sensational ZIP, based in Daisen City, Akita Prefecture. S.Zip has a wide range performers, from high school students to adults, enjoy together.


S.Zip will be performing "Jazz-ZIPangu", an arrangement of Japanese songs. In this video, you can get a glimpse of some of it, starting with the practice scene.

そして!Yellow Street Brassの皆さんを紹介します。今日はYSBのオフィシャルサイトと、YouTubeチャンネルをお伝えします。

We'd like to introduce you to Yellow Street Brass, and share with you the official website and YouTube channel of YSB. Let's check it!