2020 Sirius Music Party!



Although 2020 is a very difficult year because of COVID 19, everyone has made an effort to find a new normal. At the end of the year, let's share a fun and memorable "happy" moment. Have fun at a small party! The players can perform, applaud, and cheer each other on from your locations using a remote system.

Sirius Music Party!


December 13, 2020, 11am-12pm JST (Welcome Concert from 10am~)
December 20, 2020, 11am-12pm JST (Welcome Concert from 10am~)

Using Zoom!


・You can join with your smartphone from your place, as your room, studio or outdoors.
・Gather at the gymnasium - Let's enjoy using the large monitor and speakers!

Before the Party!

グループ名や活動状況やレパートリーなど、互いを知ってパーティーに集まるとより盛り上がるでしょう。LINE オープンチャットを利用して、楽しくコミュニケーションを取り、当日を迎えましょう!

Get to know each other's group names, activities, repertoire, etc. and have fun communicating with each other using SNS (LINE Open Chat) and have a great time on the day of the party!

Be Our Guest!


This page will be updated with information on groups and performers who are planning to participate, who have been approached, or who are hoping to join.
☆ S.Zip
☆ Yellow Street Brass
☆ M.Ash Yamagata
☆ 大仙市立花館小学校マーチングバンド
☆ 旭川永嶺高校吹奏楽部
☆ パーカッショニスト、指導者の大窪硏二さん
☆ 横浜市立小机小学校マーチングバンド
☆ Tokushima Indigoes drum&bugle corps パーカッションメンバー
☆ Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra、バンド指導者のカセムさん
☆ SENDAI Verdures
☆ 小田原から管楽器プレーヤーの皆さん
☆ パーカッショニスト、指導者の野上孟さん
☆ 倉敷翠松高校吹奏楽部