Happy Holidays!

2021シーズン。バンド活動では様々な制約もありましたが、できることを工夫し協力して進めてきました。それまでにない環境だからこそ気づけたことや、遊び心でやってみたことが想像以上に面白かった事もたくさん!そして年末のSirius Music Party!では、たくさんの笑顔と素晴らしいパフォーマンスに触れることができました。

May you have a wonderful holiday season!



そうした中で昨年に引き続き、12月5日、19日と2回にわたって、Sirius Music Party! (以下SMP!)をとても良い形で開催することができました。









SBA 村上








Sirius Music Party! 2021 終了しました!

12月5日(プレイベント)19日(メインイベント)、2021 Sirius Music Party!(SMP!)が開催されました。今年は秋シーズンから、各地で無理なくできる範囲で発表会や交流練習会をライブで開催してきました。12月のSMP!はそれらをリモートシステム(Zoom)でつなぐような流れで開催しました。





2021 Sirius Music Party!

"2021 Sirius Music Party!(SMP!)" the event was held twice, on December 5 and 19, 2021, and ended successfully. This event started in December 2000, is now in its 21st year, aiming to be a collaboration rather than a competition.

The band players have been working hard in spite of various restrictions on their activities due to COVID-19. We have been holding live performances and workshops as much as we can. in December, SMP! was held in a remote system (Zoom) to connect them. Although the environment in each location is very different, we gathered at Zoom as we did last year to perform shows and cheer each other on.

On the day of the event, some bands presented powerful live performances, while others participated in pre-recorded sessions and watched in a relaxed atmosphere. In each style, we shared a good time! We had always felt that there were inevitably limitations to communicating music through Zoom, but the sense of being able to enjoy and play with the music because of this environment was refreshing.

Meet Our Wonderful Friends!

 ■Kenji Okubo(大窪研二)

At the pre-event, Mr. Kenji gave an overwhelmingly powerful and penetrating performance!


Kenji Okubo has been teaching many bands and artists in Japan and abroad. He is a member of the professional drumming group "Core", which uses marching percussion, and is also active as a solo player. He has appeared at events, TV programs, and touring live performances of artists all over the country, captivating audiences with his powerful drumming.




The players of Eiryo High School Band were the last to perform at the pre-event, dancing and playing with great energy!


Hello! We are Asahikawa Eiryo High School in Hokkaido! We are practicing hard every day with the goal of becoming "Heart ♡Full Music". We will bring you a performance that will touch your heart, a smile, and a feeling of gratitude. Dancing & Playing" is a fusion of dance and brass band music, and originated in Hokkaido. Please pay attention to the "captivating brass band" performance while dancing intensely.

こんにちは!北海道旭川永嶺高等学校です!私たちはハート♡Full Music”を目標に日々 練習に励んでいます。皆様の心に響く演奏と、笑顔、感謝の気持ちをお届けします。ダンス と吹奏楽の融合”Dancing&Playing”略してダンプレは北海道発祥のパフォーマンスです。 激しく踊りながらの魅せる吹奏楽演奏にご注目ください。


Meet Our Wonderful Friends!


For the pre-event, "canvas" moved to Yokohama in a hurry and participated with COZMIC and Kozukue Elementary School Marching Band!


We are the ensemble unit "canvas" from Kanagawa Prefecture! We have been the name of Odawara Marching Band, but now we are going to use this unit name to expand our scope. The name "canvas" means "let's draw all kinds of things from now on". Our theme is "Life & Music". We enjoy music as a color in our lives. 

神奈川県から参加します、アンサンブルユニット「canvas」です!<小田原マーチングバンド>で活動してきていますが、今回、幅を広げるためにこのユニット名で参加します。「これから色々なものを描いていこう🎨」という意味を込めてcanvas。 私たちは「Life & Music」をテーマに、音楽を暮らしの彩りとして楽しんでいます。 


At the pre-event, it was just a video, but at the main event, it's the HMB members performing live!


Hello everyone, this is the HMB Hanadate Elementary School Marching Band from Daisen City. We are 25 members who love music and friends, and we enjoy our daily activities under the slogan, "Let's spread a circle of smiles with heartfelt sound from Hanadate. The title of this year's show is "Counting Song - Let's Spread a Circle of Smiles". I hope we can connect with the world, even if it's just one small step. I hope we can connect with the world, even if it's just a small step. We will enjoy our performance.

みなさん、こんにちは。HMB大仙市立花館小学校マーチングバンドです。音楽と仲間が大好きな隊員25名、「花館から心を込めたサウンドで笑顔の輪を広げよう」を合い言葉に、日々の活動に楽しく取り組んでいます。今年のショータイトルは「Counting Song~笑顔のWAを広げよう~」。小さな一歩でも、世界中とつながれるといいな。そんな思いを込めました。楽しんで演奏演技します。



Meet Our Wonderful Friends!

 ■from Thailand

Mr. Kasem joined us the last year's SMP!, he joined us again the December 5th pre-event, while driving (in the passenger seat, of course, not while driving 😅). He always gives us inspiration for the joy of music and international exchange.


Mr. Kasem from Thailand🇹🇭, is a percussionist with the Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra and teaches many groups. He always delivers beautiful music that resonate with us, teach music in his own unique way.


This year, the clarinet ensemble of Kasetsart University, where Kasem is a member, will be participating in the video.



At the pre-event, I'd like to introduce the Kozukue Elementary School Marching Band, along with COZMIC and canvas, delivered a performance from the music room! A high school player asked me, "Are you really an elementary school student?" I was so happy to hear that! We'll do our best for the main event!


Hello! We are the Kozukue Elementary School Marching Band from Yokohama, with 29 members from 2nd to 6th grade. The title of this year's show is "Time Travelers," a nostalgic song and melody familiar to all generations. I'm sure you'll find yourself wanting to sing along. Let's have some fun together!

こんにちは!横浜市立小机小学校マーチングバンドです。2年生〜6年生の29人のメンバーで、元気に活動しています。今年度のショータイトルは「時をかける〜Time Travelers〜」です。世代を超えて親しまれる懐かしのあの曲、あのメロディ...つい口ずさみたくなるのではないでしょうか?聴いてくださる皆さんも、ぜひぜひ一緒に楽しみましょう!


Meet Our Wonderful Friends!


COZMIC is a new group that started their activities in Yokohama in 2021, and after their first stage on October 24, they are the new face of Sirius Music Party!

2021年に横浜で活動をスタートした新しいグループ、COZMIC。10月24日に初のステージを終え、Sirius Music Party!に初めて参加します。

We are former players of the Kozukue Elementary School Marching Band. This spring we got together and formed a new band. We participate in the band as a way to refresh ourselves in between schoolwork and club activities we are involved in. The number of times we participate and the style of practice are decided by each of us, and each of us takes initiative in our activities. We would like to make many memories with you.


Let’s have fun together!

Tokushima Indigoes Drum&Bugle Corps

The Indigoes joined us last year, this time they presented a wonderful show with video. At the pre-event, they used the Clapperboard to made SMP a lot of fun!


We are the "Tokushima Indigoes Drum & Bugle Corps" from Tokushima Prefecture! We have a wide range of ages, from first year junior high school students to adults, and we meet every week with the motto of "community-based activities"! This year we have created a show called "THE CINEMA" with the theme of making movies. Please sit back and enjoy with us!

徳島県から昨年に引き続き参加します、「Tokushima Indigoes Drum&Bugle Corps」です!中学1年生から社会人まで幅広い年齢で「地域に根ざした活動」をモットーに毎週集まって活動しています!今年度は"THE CINEMA"というタイトルで映画作りをテーマにショーを作りました。よろしくお願いします!

Tokushima Indigoes Drum&Bugle Corps【official blog】FacebookTwitter

■倉敷翠松高等学校マーチングバンド”Crystal Sounds”

At the pre-event, they presented a friendly and fun performance they recently gave at a local elementary school. The members of Crystal Sounds are known for their wide range of performances.

プレイベントでは、最近地域の小学校で行なった、フレンドリーで楽しい演奏演技を披露。幅の広いパフォーマンスが魅力のCrystal Soundsの皆さんです。

This year's theme title is "HOME" - Behind the Door. We adopted "Kaerou" by Kaze Fujii, an artist from Okayama Prefecture who is currently making a big breakthrough, and "Daijo-bu" by Radwimps, which was used in the movie "The Weather Boy. We hope that our show, which expresses "liberation" and "cohesion", will make you feel warm and fuzzy.

今年のテーマタイトルは "HOME" Behind the Door〜。現在大ブレイク中の岡山県出身アーティスト,藤井風さんの「帰ろう」や,映画「天気の子」で使われたRADWIMPSの「大丈夫」を採用しました。コロナ禍だからこそ,<解放>と<寄り添い>を表現した私たちのshowを通して,あったか〜い気持ちになって頂ければ幸いです❤️



Meet Our Wonderful Friends!

 ■Sensational ZIP


At the pre-event, S.ZIP gave a cool and stylish performance from the practice hall. Their performance in Yurihonjo City the following week attracted not only the audience but also the school band players who participated.

Sensational ZIPは、秋田県大仙市を拠点に、高校生から一般社会人まで幅広い年代で活動しているマーチングバンドです。私たちは今年発足30周年を迎えることができました。これまで支えて下さった地域の方々や世界各地の仲間たち、今回SMP!でご一緒する皆さんに感謝の気持ちを込めて演奏します!

Sensational ZIP is a marching band based in Daisen City, Akita Prefecture, with members ranging in age from high school students to adults. This year, we celebrated our 30th anniversary. We will be performing to express our gratitude to the people in the community who have supported us, to our friends around the world, and to everyone who will be joining us at SMP!

Mountain Ash Yamagata

山形から参加のMountain Ashの皆さん、プレイベントではクリスマス仕様の衣装で楽しく参加くださいました。

Mountain Ash Yamagata, They enjoyed participating in the pre-event in their Christmas costumes!


We are working with the idea of 'enjoying music in our own lifestyles'. This time, we are filming a video to bring the best of Yamagata to you with music related to Yamagata. We hope you enjoy it.

Meet Our Wonderful Friends!

2021 SMP!に参加するパフォーマー、グループをあらためて紹介します。12月5日に行われたプレイベントの順番で、その時の様子もレビューしながら紹介していきます!

Yellow Street Brass

トップバッターはYSBから!プレイベントで披露くださったのは"Christmas medley"。19日のメインイベントでは代表の三崎さんがライブ参加の予定です!

The top performer was YSB! At the pre-event, they showed the video and Christmas medley that they prepared beforehand. Mr. Misaki, the representative of the YSB, will join the live performance at the main event on the 19th!

SENDAI Verdures

プレイベントでは、発足当時から演奏されているお馴染みの曲、『ヘイ!パチューコ』で、楽しく弾けたパフォーマンスを披露くださったSENDAI Verdures の皆さんです!

We are proud to present the Sendai Verdures! At the pre-event, they gave a fun and lively performance of "Hey! Pachuco", a song they have been playing since their inception.

こんにちは!SENDAI Verdures(センダイヴァーデュアーズ)です!私たちは仙台市内を中心に活動している一般マーチングバンドです。Verdureとは『新緑の若葉・若葉の緑』を意味し、杜の都・仙台をイメージしてつけられました。

Hello! We are the SENDAI Verdures! We are an independent marching band active mainly in Sendai City. The name "Verdure" means "fresh young leaves and green", and was named after the image of Sendai, the tree-clad city.

■ Hajime Nogami(野上孟)


Mr. Hajime Nogami has taught a wide range of marching bands in Japan and abroad, from composing and arranging music, technical guidance to overall direction. He is also active as a drum set and marching tenor drum artist.


Due to scheduling conflicts, he will not be able to join us for the live performance this time, but he has produced a video for SMP! that will be shown for the first time at the main event!


The First Day of 2021 SMP!

 12/5に2021 Sirius Music Party!の初日を終えました✨






