Meet Our Wonderful Friends!

 ■Kenji Okubo(大窪研二)

At the pre-event, Mr. Kenji gave an overwhelmingly powerful and penetrating performance!


Kenji Okubo has been teaching many bands and artists in Japan and abroad. He is a member of the professional drumming group "Core", which uses marching percussion, and is also active as a solo player. He has appeared at events, TV programs, and touring live performances of artists all over the country, captivating audiences with his powerful drumming.



The players of Eiryo High School Band were the last to perform at the pre-event, dancing and playing with great energy!


Hello! We are Asahikawa Eiryo High School in Hokkaido! We are practicing hard every day with the goal of becoming "Heart ♡Full Music". We will bring you a performance that will touch your heart, a smile, and a feeling of gratitude. Dancing & Playing" is a fusion of dance and brass band music, and originated in Hokkaido. Please pay attention to the "captivating brass band" performance while dancing intensely.

こんにちは!北海道旭川永嶺高等学校です!私たちはハート♡Full Music”を目標に日々 練習に励んでいます。皆様の心に響く演奏と、笑顔、感謝の気持ちをお届けします。ダンス と吹奏楽の融合”Dancing&Playing”略してダンプレは北海道発祥のパフォーマンスです。 激しく踊りながらの魅せる吹奏楽演奏にご注目ください。
