■Yellow Street Brass

Hello! We are the SENDAI Verdures! We are an independent marching band active mainly in Sendai City. The name "Verdure" means "fresh young leaves and green", and was named after the image of Sendai, the tree-clad city.
トップバッターはYSBから!プレイベントで披露くださったのは"Christmas medley"。19日のメインイベントでは代表の三崎さんがライブ参加の予定です!
The top performer was YSB! At the pre-event, they showed the video and Christmas medley that they prepared beforehand. Mr. Misaki, the representative of the YSB, will join the live performance at the main event on the 19th!
■SENDAI Verdures
プレイベントでは、発足当時から演奏されているお馴染みの曲、『ヘイ!パチューコ』で、楽しく弾けたパフォーマンスを披露くださったSENDAI Verdures の皆さんです!
We are proud to present the Sendai Verdures! At the pre-event, they gave a fun and lively performance of "Hey! Pachuco", a song they have been playing since their inception.
こんにちは!SENDAI Verdures(センダイヴァーデュアーズ)です!私たちは仙台市内を中心に活動している一般マーチングバンドです。Verdureとは『新緑の若葉・若葉の緑』を意味し、杜の都・仙台をイメージしてつけられました。
Hello! We are the SENDAI Verdures! We are an independent marching band active mainly in Sendai City. The name "Verdure" means "fresh young leaves and green", and was named after the image of Sendai, the tree-clad city.
■ Hajime Nogami(野上孟)
Mr. Hajime Nogami has taught a wide range of marching bands in Japan and abroad, from composing and arranging music, technical guidance to overall direction. He is also active as a drum set and marching tenor drum artist.
Due to scheduling conflicts, he will not be able to join us for the live performance this time, but he has produced a video for SMP! that will be shown for the first time at the main event!