Meet Our Wonderful Friends!


For the pre-event, "canvas" moved to Yokohama in a hurry and participated with COZMIC and Kozukue Elementary School Marching Band!


We are the ensemble unit "canvas" from Kanagawa Prefecture! We have been the name of Odawara Marching Band, but now we are going to use this unit name to expand our scope. The name "canvas" means "let's draw all kinds of things from now on". Our theme is "Life & Music". We enjoy music as a color in our lives. 

神奈川県から参加します、アンサンブルユニット「canvas」です!<小田原マーチングバンド>で活動してきていますが、今回、幅を広げるためにこのユニット名で参加します。「これから色々なものを描いていこう🎨」という意味を込めてcanvas。 私たちは「Life & Music」をテーマに、音楽を暮らしの彩りとして楽しんでいます。 


At the pre-event, it was just a video, but at the main event, it's the HMB members performing live!


Hello everyone, this is the HMB Hanadate Elementary School Marching Band from Daisen City. We are 25 members who love music and friends, and we enjoy our daily activities under the slogan, "Let's spread a circle of smiles with heartfelt sound from Hanadate. The title of this year's show is "Counting Song - Let's Spread a Circle of Smiles". I hope we can connect with the world, even if it's just one small step. I hope we can connect with the world, even if it's just a small step. We will enjoy our performance.

みなさん、こんにちは。HMB大仙市立花館小学校マーチングバンドです。音楽と仲間が大好きな隊員25名、「花館から心を込めたサウンドで笑顔の輪を広げよう」を合い言葉に、日々の活動に楽しく取り組んでいます。今年のショータイトルは「Counting Song~笑顔のWAを広げよう~」。小さな一歩でも、世界中とつながれるといいな。そんな思いを込めました。楽しんで演奏演技します。

