Meet Our Wonderful Friends! on Tue.

火曜日はMusic Party!初の北海道からの参加、北海道旭川永嶺高校吹奏楽部の皆さんを紹介します!

We're introducing the performers who will be participating in the 2020 SMP! Today, we'd like to introduce our first guest from Hokkaido, The Hokkaido Eiryo High School Band😁😁😁


Asahikawa Eiryo High School is a new school that was integrated with Toei High School and Ryoun High School in 2016, and the brass band club is currently active with 33 players.

北海道吹奏楽コンクール、マーチングステージ全国大会に毎年参加しており、さらに踊りと演奏を融合した「Dance & Play」略して「ダンプレ」に取り組むなど、幅広く活動しています。

We participate in the Hokkaido Band Competition and the National Marching Stage Competition every year, and is also active in a wide range of activities such as working on ”Dance & Play” for short, which is a fusion of dance and performance. Please take a look at the videos distributed on YouTube and SNS.

Eiryo High School Band YouTube Video>>